Meat Your Maker Market July 24

It’s Meat Your Maker day at the next Millbrook Farmers’ Market on Sunday, July 24th. At our July market, we tip our hat and celebrate our dedicated local meat producers for their significant contribution to our community. We now have vendors at our market offering a full selection of locally… Continue reading

Wutai Shan Temple Opens Its Doors For Annual Open House

The annual Open House at the Wutai Shan Buddhist Temple held last Saturday saw almost 2000 visitors come to witness the progress at this impressive project, much more than the anticipated crowd of 650 organizers expected, and twice number who came last year. Facing heat, humidity and dusty roads, many… Continue reading

Save the Date for Ladies’ Night

With construction complete, the backdrop is set for the major summer street events in town. Following this week’s car show comes the popular August 4th event – Ladies’ Night. With some returning crowd favourites and exciting new additions, organizers are expecting more vendors than ever with a wide variety of… Continue reading