St. Thomas More Hosts Local World Day of Prayer

Mabuhay!  This will be the greeting you hear when you come to the local World Day of Prayer Event hosted this year by St. Thomas More Catholic Church.   It is a Philippine greeting inviting participants to come and tell their stories.  Each year the women of the featured country prepare… Continue reading

New Products for Puddleduck Farm’s Community Supported Agriculture Program

After four years operating their local organic farm, Merridy Senior and Eben Hancock are finding new ways to grow their business.  Theirs is a traditional mixed farm operation, where they grow more than 30 varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, produce maple syrup, honey, eggs, freezer beef, chicken and will… Continue reading

Historical Society Ramps Up

It is the busiest time of the year for the Millbrook and Cavan Historical Society as preparations for our gala fundraiser in March move into high gear and final steps are taken to secure Needler’s Mill.  At the same time, our regular monthly programming continues. In late January each year,… Continue reading

North Cavan Students Tour the Universe from their Gymnasium

Last week, North Cavan Public School students took a tour of the Universe without leaving the building.  They hosted a special presentation from the Planetarium that was organized and funded by the school’s Parent Council.  Each year the parent group funds a special event for all students, which usually involves… Continue reading

Council Considers Jumpstarting Community Centre Project

It seems the Community Centre Project is no longer an “if” but a “when”, and if Mayor McFadden has his way, the “when” will be sooner than later. Four of five Council members voted in favour of proceeding with a new facility with a budgeted ceiling of $15 million, so… Continue reading

Programs to Build the Local Economy One Entrepreneur at a Time

Small businesses are the key to the Canadian economy.   At the end of 2015, they employed over 8.2 million Canadians, representing more than 70 percent of the total private labour force and contributed roughly 30% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product. They also account for 27 % of all research… Continue reading

Consultants Confirm Fundraising Feasibility for Community Centre

At the December 5th Council meeting, George Stanois of the Goldie Company, who was hired to conduct a fundraising feasibility study presented the study’s findings. The firm conducted personal interviews with the 40 respondents to the 65 requests for interviews, allowing participants to discuss their perceptions of the project, the… Continue reading