Council Column – January Thoughts

  December was an interesting month for Council. Progress has been made on ongoing projects and new information has come forward for the budgeting process. At the December 5th 2016 meeting, Council approved acquisition of land and committed to moving forward with a new Community Centre for the Township. The… Continue reading

At the Lions’ Den

December 5th saw the Millbrook Lions, friends and spouses gather at the Lions’ Den for a traditional Christmas dinner catered by Lisa’s Catering of Bewdley. A great meal was enjoyed. President Lynda Allair gave a warm welcome to our special guests, who included David Brackenridge of the Millbrook Food Share,Karen… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor

Deputy Mayor John Fallis was right in not supporting the motion to proceed with the Community Center at this time. My personal preference for future public infrastructure spending is to complete the new fire hall first. The fire hall will help to maintain lower residential insurance rates. In addition, a… Continue reading

Big Tobacco and Taxes: Tricks of the Trade

Last month, the Board of Health wrote to every municipal councillor in the Peterborough area, warning that the tobacco industry may approach them to lobby for support to keep tobacco taxes low. Local councils in Peterborough County and City have supported various tobacco control measures in the past, including smoke… Continue reading

Parent Council Treats North Cavan Students to Turkey Lunch

On December 16th, the North Cavan Parent Council hosted their annual Turkey Lunch in the gym. Over 170 diners enjoyed hot turkey, stuffing, vegetables, gravy and cookies in long tables occupied by students, staff, bus drivers, volunteers and invited guests in a communal meal prepared by the women of St…. Continue reading

Millbrook Stars Minor Hockey Tournament December 10 – 11th

  “We’re black, we’re white, and we’re dynamite.” The Millbrook Stars had their annual minor ice hockey tournament the weekend of December 10th. The Stars fought hard, winning a spot in the B finals. The Novice Reps were facing the Ennismore Eagles. The Eagles had a breakaway, but Jacob Elson… Continue reading