Who Was Harry Williams?

The Resource Room of the Millbrook Public Library is named in honour of Harry Williams. So, who was this fellow? The fine citizens of Millbrook may have thought the same thing as a dashing young man in a waxed cotton Barbour motorcycle jacket rode his motorcycle into the village in… Continue reading

Supporting a Strategy to Conserve and Enhance our Watershed

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Think globally, act locally”? The folks volunteering with the Baxter Creek Watershed Alliance (BCWA) have been acting on this here in our community since the early days of pandemic lockdowns back in late 2020. Since coming together, this diverse group of local people started… Continue reading

Open Studio Features Work by Local Artists

You are invited to visit our fourth fall Open Studio on September 21-22 to see the work of five local artists. Joellen Brydon’s vibrant paintings explore local histories, domestic life and stories that come from her Irish ancestors. There was always a poem, a song, or a bit of harmless… Continue reading

Common Ground – September 2024

“…Autumn hails anew…” John Banister Tabb My most surprising accomplishment in this year’s garden is that I have finally succeeded in growing sweet peas. Oh I have grown them before but they were always a bit straggly and never looked that happy. This year I planted them on the former… Continue reading

“Wizuke of Oz” Zucchini Festival Coming Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024

So only a few more sleeps until the umpteenth annual Millbrook Zucchini Festival lands with a thump on the sunny shores of Baxter Creek, next to the millpond in downtown Millbrook. Mark Sunday, September 8, 12:30 to 4 p.m. on your calendar for an afternoon of family fun carving, floating,… Continue reading

Sharing our Stories Book

This book represents the culmination of a project funded by a Seniors Community Grant which helped participants create memoirs.  It features their stories told in words, photographs and artwork by the participants.  Pictured from left to right in front are: Cindy Sutch Whitelaw, Linda Rolland, and Karyn Swaffield, in the… Continue reading