Another Successful Car Show

The annual Millbrook Lions Car Show was held on Saturday July 6th downtown Millbrook. The weather was perfect and this encouraged a lot of owners of classic cars and trucks to venture into our downtown.  By 7am they were lined up for our registration desk.  Some of the vehicles registered… Continue reading

Millbrook and District Lions

Pictured is Lion Brooke Taylor, owner of Brooke’s Plastics and a member of the Millbrook and District Lions making a very generous donation of 46 chairs to Lion Camp Dorset Manager Jeremy Schumacher. Located in Dorset, ON, the camp is a unique resort that offers vacation opportunities for dialysis patients… Continue reading

Melvin Jones’ Award Recipients

Lions Steve Paul and Paul Haynes were awarded the prestigious Melvin Jones award at the Millbrook and District Lions’ President’s dinner on June 17th. This award recognizes outstanding humanitarian work by a Lions member. Congratulations to you both. The Lions’ Food Trailer will be seen out and about at events… Continue reading

Lions Donate to Sherri Crawford

Pictured is Lion Scott McFadden and Millbrook Farm Store owner Angela Lloyd presenting the proceeds of the January bottle drive to Sherri Crawford (middle). The Crawford family lost their home in a fire in November. Scott is holding an original painting Sherri created as a gesture of thanks, which will… Continue reading

Lions’ Breakfast a Popular Monthly Ritual

Whether it’s before church or a hockey game or after a leisurely start to Sunday morning, many residents fuel up at the monthly breakfast event where they catch up with their neighbours while enjoying a hot breakfast while supporting a respected community organization. To learn more about the Millbrook Lions’… Continue reading

Local Lions Club Continue a Legacy of Community Service

Are you looking for a way to meet your neighbours and make a contribution to your community?  The Lions club is a good place to start. This paper often includes photos of members of the Millbrook and District Lions Club doing good things for our community. In this edition they… Continue reading