Letters to the Editor – July 2024

Dear Editor: In this time of ‘disappearing’ local newspapers, The Millbrook Times is so very important for keeping the community united and informed of all its activities. The Millbrook Times does this admirably.   I really appreciate the dedication of you and your staff. Thank you very much. Buttimor, Cavan __________________________… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor – November 2023

Although many think that the 786 new homes being added to Millbrook are cause for excitement as our small town grows, others, like myself, are alarmed by possible repercussions these new builds could bring. In a recent article written by Brendan Burke, the township’s executive director of planning and development… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor 

Community Builder The first week of October is National Newspaper Week.  In this current crisis of community newspapers falling by the wayside, dropped by the corporations that own the chains, and smothered by social media greed, we are so incredibly fortunate to have the Millbrook Times.  It provides us with… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor – September 2023

“The world’s going crazy. Nobody gives a damn anymore.” So said The Kinks in 1977. Some days it seems to me that they were right and things have gotten progressively worse since then.  However, some gains have been made in human rights over the decades.  Some people have actually enjoyed… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor

Stop Trashing Residents Using ‘Garbage’ Garbage Numbers!! I’m fed up with hearing that Cavan Monaghan is the “worst in the County” for solid waste.  Our family composts, recycles and reuses.  Our diversion rate (by weight) is in the high eighties/ninety.  Our neighbours are similar in their habits. Looking at the… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Your February 2023 edition was filled with interesting articles and pictures – kudos to you. The “Murray Hill – one of our Original Subdivisions” article was especially meaningful for me as we have called Murray Hill home for almost 50 years. There was always a question… Continue reading

A Note of Thanks from the Buhaienko Family

We would like to thank Brian and Kate Field for their help and support during a very difficult time for our family when we arrived in Canada after fleeing Ukraine. Our family was lucky to discover Canada from a very good side. Our acquaintance with Canada began with amazing people… Continue reading