Letter to the Editor – Veterans’ Medals

I would like to inform your readers about two very special medals that are available for our veterans. These are the National Order of the Legion of Honour from France and the Ambassador for Peace Medal from the Republic of Korea. Our veterans of the Second World War and the… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor – October 2019

The board of trustees of St. Paul’s Cemetery, extend a heartfelt thank you to the community for their attendance and generous support at the recent 200th anniversary celebration.  Over 100 people enjoyed an inside view of the chapel, words of welcome from Chief Laurie Carr of Hiawatha First Nation, and… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor – August 2019

Letter to the Editor: Through your paper, I am asking your readers to please be aware that Council is once again being asked to consider expanding the use of off-road vehicles onto township roads and road allowances.  I urge readers to contact your Council members if you feel that the… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor: Elegy to a Landmark

An sparkling expanse of rippling blue water; home to trout, fisher and turtle; site for the Lions’ community fishing derby; dinner table for soaring birds of prey.  Visited by trumpeter swans, nursery for Canada geese, where once logs were fed to the sawmill. Where once villagers skated beneath the willows’… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor – February 2019

Letter to the Editor On behalf of the Millbrook and Area Garden Club, thank you for your article in the last edition (Find Local Expertise at the Millbrook Garden Club, January 2019). Your help in getting our name out to the gardening public is much appreciated. One correction though: our… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor – November 2018

Remembrance Day I believe that the outdoor Remembrance Day observance should be a smoke-free event.  This is a sacred moment that deserves our respect. Nancy Fox, Bailieboro A Fond Farewell to Sylvia and Bert Hirt The seasons change and our lives change along with them.  Sylvia and Bert Hirt, residents… Continue reading

Letter to the Editor – July

Last month, at the end of one of our church services, a serious medical emergency occurred.  We called 911, and within a few minutes Chief Balfour and his colleagues from the Cavan Monaghan Fire Department arrived and took control of the situation.  As we waited for the EMS to arrive… Continue reading