Lately the paper has been receiving a lot of “love” from readers like Wanda Buttimore (see Letters to the Editor). Comments like these keep me motivated to continue. Sometimes on the Sunday night before our print deadline, I feel very alone with the pressure of filling the paper with stories that are informative, useful and interesting. Then on Monday morning I open my email and see how very much I am supported in this venture. Dedicated community members including Jill Williams, Celia Hunter, Andy Harjula (how could you move??), Dan Bourgeois and Janet Stobie volunteer their time and talents to provide interesting, well considered stories that make the paper more diverse and relevant to the community.
The paper also benefits from the gifts of our talented graphic designer Karen Muir, who creates beautiful ads and carefully puts the pieces of this puzzle together each month, laying out stories so they begin and end on one page with photos to draw attention whenever possible. Our website is managed by Deborah Carew, whose competence and conscientiousness is apparent in everything she does.
Of course there wouldn’t be a paper at all without the support of our advertisers, many of whom have been with us from the start; theirs or mine!
I thank each and every one of you. I couldn’t do this without you.
Happy Canada Day, Karen Graham