Letter to the Editor 

Community Builder

The first week of October is National Newspaper Week.  In this current crisis of community newspapers falling by the wayside, dropped by the corporations that own the chains, and smothered by social media greed, we are so incredibly fortunate to have the Millbrook Times.  It provides us with reports of local happenings, municipal government deliberations and neighbourhood news.  It shines a light on local heroes, new initiatives and the movers and shakers of the day.    It also gives us all a chance to pitch in with stories of our own.  It is a community forum where we all belong.

So, just a quick word of thanks, Karen.  You are a champion community builder.  Your commitment to bringing us the news and views of this community keeps us informed and connected.  Like the slogan says, we do have it all, right here.  You help us recognize that.  Thank you for all your work and dedication.

Celia Hunter, Millbrook

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