A Time to Give Thanks

give thanks

At the funeral of his father David, Steve Brackenridge told the parable of the sower from the book of Matthew.  In the story, some of the seeds are stolen by birds, some fall on rocks where they cannot grow, others grow so quickly they perish in the sun, while others are choked out by weeds.  Some, however, find fertile ground and thrive, reaping many times their number.  It’s a powerful story with a universal message.

Part of that message is a lesson in perseverance.  Sometimes our well-intentioned efforts to support, befriend, or initiate are rebuffed at first.  Our message falls on deaf ears, the recipients of our gestures take offense, or we are misunderstood.  This story encourages us to keep trying, as eventually our efforts might find fertile ground.

At this season of thanksgiving, we are reminded of our good fortune to live in this community and this country.  We can express our appreciation by considering how we will sow our own seeds in the next season.  Happy Thanksgiving, KG

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