Woodleigh Farms’ Waste Diversion Proposal

Last month, Norm Lamothe of Woodleigh Farms presented a proposal to accept leaf and yard waste material collected by the township.  A sixth generation farmer in Cavan, Norm is focused on improving farming practices to build soil health on the farm’s 500 acres. In his presentation, he described the decline… Continue reading

! Millbrook Community Garden Miscommunication !

Alarmingly, some members of the public have interpreted the sign stating ‘Enjoy” posted at the Community Garden by the Old Millbrook School literally and have not only been helping themselves cutting bouquets of flowers from the central flower garden, and even helping themselves to the vegetables that have been the… Continue reading

Common Ground – October 2020

“O suns and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour  October’s bright blue weather.”  -Helen Hunt Jackson – One of the signs of fall here in the valley is the first heavy frost that makes the morning glories no longer glorious…. Continue reading

Last Market Sunday October 25

Our 2020 market season will come to a close on Sunday, October 25. In spite of the pandemic, our local growers and producers have once again excelled at providing our community with a wonderfully rich bounty of fresh locally grown food.  The market takes place at the Old Millbrook School,… Continue reading

Littleleaf Farms Delivers Big Nutrition in Small Bites

Five years ago, Larissa Nicholson and her husband John Hassell moved from Ajax to Cavan in the hopes of transitioning from employees in the horticultural industry to entrepreneurs in that field. Working with plants in a farming situation had been a lifelong ambition for the pair, who both have extensive… Continue reading

Organic Waste Collection Comes to Transfer Station

Last year, the township introduced an organic waste program for a pilot area in the Millbrook area which was up for renewal last month. The program consists of weekly curbside collection of waste material through the use of kitchen catchers and green bins which were purchased with a provincial grant. … Continue reading

Why Our Kids Need Healthy School Food During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With September around the corner, schools are gearing up to reopen after COVID-19 shut downs. This pandemic has taught us not only about physical health, but also the importance of healthy eating, mental health, social connection, and learning for our kids. So, what is one ingredient needed for all of these,… Continue reading