! Millbrook Community Garden Miscommunication !

Generous Volunteers grow fresh produce for Foodshare each wek at the Millbrook Community Garden. Photo: Karen Graham.

Alarmingly, some members of the public have interpreted the sign stating ‘Enjoy” posted at the Community Garden by the Old Millbrook School literally and have not only been helping themselves cutting bouquets of flowers from the central flower garden, and even helping themselves to the vegetables that have been the result of much hard work by others!

The Community Garden serves two purposes – one is to provide vegetables used to supply the local Food Bank and the other, to offer plots to individuals at a very small cost to grow their own vegetables as long as they volunteer 4 hours during the growing season assisting with the larger community vegetable garden.   Some plot gardeners have been frustrated and saddened, especially those planted by children, to see their harvest disappear! Losing one’s harvest will discourage undertaking a similar venture next year and will discourage others who might contemplate renting a plot.  Perhaps the sign needs to be changed from ‘Enjoy” to “Admire But Don’t Touch!”

Editor’s note: The sign has been changed to “joy” to discourage produce consumption by guests.

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