Victory Garden Supply Opens in Fraserville

  The traditional red brick centre-hall plan home in Fraserville is the new home of Victory Garden Supply.  The company itself is not new- it has been operating as a wholesaler in Peterborough, servicing the commercial horticultural industry since 2012.  The beginnings were humble.   Operating out of a mini-van, owner… Continue reading

Variety in Sport Experience Builds Better Athletes

Why do parents focus on putting their kids on an intense one-sport-only track? Do they think it will help them reach professional sports levels sooner? Will it give them a better chance by sacrificing other sports? The answer might surprise you. Sport specialization – an intense focus on one sport… Continue reading

Touch a Truck

The skies cleared for the third Touch a Truck event hosted by the Millbrook/Cavan Firefighters’ Association.  They were grateful to the Millbrook Agricultural Society which provided the fairgrounds for the event venue and to all who brought their vehicles and equipment out for display.   After skipping a year due to… Continue reading

Trout Unlimited

The Trout Unlimited Millbrook Chapter partnered with the local Girl Guide Rangers and Otonabee Region Conservation Authority to partake in the Yellowfish road program. The community program is designed to educate residents that storm drains are the doorways to our local streams. Putting anything other than rain water in the… Continue reading

Local Farmers Donate Hay to Counterparts in Need

With some local farmers harvesting a fourth crop of hay, it’s safe to say that hay is in abundance in our neighbourhood.  Not so in Northern Ontario, or out west. Extreme drought and heat conditions have left livestock farmers contemplating how to shrink their herds given the lack of feed… Continue reading

Local Art on Display in Open Studio Event

This weekend, ceramic artist Jane Wilson opens the doors to her private studio at her home at 700 Carmel Line for an Open Studio event showcasing the work of six local artists. Among the exhibits are paintings by JoEllen Brydon and Esperanca Melo, drawings by Grace Glass, wood items from… Continue reading

A Fond Farewell for Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rosana Salvaterra

Last week the community bade farewell to Dr. Rosana Salvaterra who leaves her position as  Medical Officer of Health for the Peterborough area which she has held since 2008.  In the last year and a half, Dr. Salvaterra has been the face of the community’s battle against the spread of… Continue reading

Goldilocks and the Bowl of Just-Right Stars

Imagine this scenario:  You’re walking down a random street and suddenly feel tired, hungry, and thirsty. So, since you live in a safe and friendly neighbourhood where everyone trusts each other, you turn up the first driveway you see, open the front door without knocking, and stroll in. To your… Continue reading