Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras- What’s it all About?

Pancake Day is a tradition at St. Thomas Anglican Church. It falls on the day before Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. Because the actual date is determined by that of Easter, for which the date varies each year, you have to watch for it. The name “Shrove Tuesday” comes… Continue reading

Community Care Medical Alert Units

Pictured is Community Care Volunteer Pat Schier who is responsible for performing tests each month for all Personal Distress Alarm clients. Ours is the only Community Care Office offering these medical alert units that allow older adults and people with disabilities to call for assistance using a help button linked… Continue reading

Being a Lion

Do you want to improve your social life? Make new friends? Feel better about yourself, all the while helping out in your community, making a difference? It is easier than you might think. For 100 years, millions of citizens have done just that, by becoming members of Lion’s Club International…. Continue reading

Nominate Someone Inspirational: County Recognition Award Nominations Open

It’s that time of year again where we identify local groups and individuals who are making extraordinary contributions to our community. The categories are broad, ranging from acts of heroism, entrepreneurial initiatives, and leadership in areas including agriculture, volunteering, sports, culture and environmental protection. Established in 1992, the County has… Continue reading

Legion Hosts Annual Public Speaking Contest

On Sunday, February 19th, the Royal Canadian Legion in Millbrook hosted the annual Youth Education Public Speaking Contest. Participants were invited from all local elementary schools, and six entrants joined the youngest age group in grades 1 to 3, with three contestants competing in the grades 4 to 6 category…. Continue reading

Our Community Care

Community Care Peterborough provides a variety of essential services to seniors and adults with physical challenges, empowering them to live at home. The organization offers a wide range of non-medical supports including meals and transportation, in-home services, transition home after hospital stays as well as social and wellness activities.  Clients… Continue reading

Sharing Stories Draws Large Crowd

On February 25, Centennial Place’s Fireside Lounge was filled with an enthusiastic crowd who came from as far away as Port Hope and Peterborough to share memories of Millbrook’s downtown in days gone by. People also came to make connections, meet up with former friends and neighbours, and uncover some… Continue reading

Centennial Place Welcomes a New Kind of Resident

  A few weeks ago, Centennial Place introduced six new “residents” to their community. The four cats and two dogs are called Companion pets, and came not from a breeder but from the Hasbro toy manufacturer. Much to the delight of the residents, these “pets” look and feel like real… Continue reading

Neither Rain nor Snow will keep these Dart Players Away

Neither Rain nor Snow Will Keep these Dart Players Away It was a snowy day on February 12th when the Legion hosted the annual Darts for Hearts tournament, which had a significant impact on the participation level which was down by half over last year’s contestants. Undeterred, the fourteen participants… Continue reading