Neither Rain nor Snow Will Keep these Dart Players Away
It was a snowy day on February 12th when the Legion hosted the annual Darts for Hearts tournament, which had a significant impact on the participation level which was down by half over last year’s contestants.
Undeterred, the fourteen participants raised more than $600 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Once again, Dolores Flood was the top pledge earner. All of the proceeds from this event go to the charity, as all prize money is provided by the local Legion. First place in the tournament was secured by Shane Scanlan and Randy Stewart, 2nd place went to Mel Hawkins and Cindy Johnson, 3rd to Yvonne Hunt and Al Griffin and 4th to Colin R and Rhonda Hogg. High darts for men was taken by Shane Scanlan who regularly secures top spot in this and other tournaments, High men’s Out was won by Al Griffin, High 3 Dart Ladies’ prize went to Rhonda Hogg and High Ladies’ Out was earned by Cindy Johnson. Thanks for all participants and the Legion for hosting this annual event. KG