Smile! (again)

This year, the Tim Horton’s annul Cookie Campaign runs this week, from April 29th to May 5th.   For the third year in a row, the Peterborough locations have decided to donate the proceeds of this campaign to Community Care organizations across the Peterborough region.  This means when you purchase a… Continue reading

Millbrook Christian Assembly Says Goodbye to the Smallwood Family

Mark and Christina insisted on calling their final Sunday Service at Millbrook Christian Assembly last week as a Launching Party rather than a farewell. No matter what the event was called, it marked a turning point for the family as well as the congregation. To say that the impact that… Continue reading

Millbrook Scouts Has Big Plans

The community had been without a Scouting program for a few years when it relaunched in 2018 with three active groups: Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Bad timing for the relaunch, you could say.  Despite meeting virtually during 18 months of the pandemic with weekly meetings, virtual camps and trips to… Continue reading

Friendship Force Celebrates One Year

A year ago, three dedicated mothers launched a new program they call Friendship Force. A social club for local individuals 18 and older who have different abilities, they meet on Tuesday afternoons at the Cavan Monaghan Community Centre.  For the members of the group, Tuesday has become their favourite day… Continue reading

Kitchen Party Fundraiser Honours Late Volunteer by Helping Alleviate Homelessness

Last month, Jane Wilson and Joanne Rowland of Cavan Monaghan organized a fundraising event in honour of the late Erin Sullivan, a young woman who died in 2022 of Cystic Fibrosis at the age of 43.  They knew Erin through a Buddhist meditation program in Peterborough.  Erin had dedicated a… Continue reading

Thomas Anglican Pancakes Supper

Last month the congregation of St. Thomas Anglican Church in Millbrook brought back their popular Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper which has not been done since COVID. Approximately 120 came to enjoy pancakes, sausages, peameal, fruit salad and dessert. The event raised just over $1000 which was added to the church’s… Continue reading

Fundraising for Charlotte

During the Winter Classic Hockey Tournament last month, the teams took the opportunity to do some fundraising on behalf of the sister of one of their hockey players who received a cancer diagnosis just before Christmas. Through a variety of fundraising initiatives at this hometown hockey tournament, the Millbrook Stars… Continue reading

Change of Venue for Sandwich Sisters

For the past four years, a growing group of residents in Bethany and Millbrook have been preparing sandwiches and snacks for delivery to the community shelter in Peterborough under the energetic leadership of Bethany resident Jane Berlin. The group is part of a nation-wide collection of sandwich-making volunteers called Sandwich… Continue reading