“You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” 

Everywhere I turn lately, I have been met with the thought “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” – at choir practice, in my devotions, the birds, my flowers, a small family gathering. What a great message to hear over and over. This past week I spent a few hours gardening…. Continue reading

There Is Hope! Enjoy the flowers!

It’s spring. Yay! Time to plant my flowers. I love gardening. In Dunsford, we had many big flower gardens. They were so beautiful. Of course, I was younger back then and full of energy and surrounded by little grandchildren who came to help dig and plant and water. I remember… Continue reading

Today’s Faith – February 2024

February brings thoughts of Valentine’s Day and love. The Bible compares love to a rope, strongest and healthiest with three strands. Jesus identified those three strands as love for God, love for one another and love for one’s self. Each person makes their own choice about love of God. Let’s… Continue reading

“We are an Affirming Congregation”

Our church family celebrated becoming an “Affirming Congregation” in December. Becoming affirming means that we have pledged to be intentional about accepting everyone – color race, gender identity, creed, ability, whatever. When I told one of my beloved family members about our celebration, the reaction was, “Isn’t everyone accepting? Aren’t… Continue reading

Traditions, Memories, Christmas Trees

When I was a child, it seemed the brightly coloured lights sparkling on our Christmas tree lit up the world.  Over the years, I’ve tried clear glass lights, white lights, blue lights on our tree, but I always return to the rainbow of colours of my childhood. Now, my artificial… Continue reading

Today’s Faith – November 2023

A Shema Followers of the traditional Jewish faith are encouraged to post a Shema at their most used doorway to the outside.  A Shema is a tiny box containing the words, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul… Continue reading