“We are an Affirming Congregation”

Our church family celebrated becoming an “Affirming Congregation” in December. Becoming affirming means that we have pledged to be intentional about accepting everyone – color race, gender identity, creed, ability, whatever. When I told one of my beloved family members about our celebration, the reaction was, “Isn’t everyone accepting? Aren’t all church people accepting?” I had no answer at the time. This morning as I prepare this January column, my answer is, “Most people, whether or not they are people of faith, would say, “Yes, of course I’m affirming. Of course, I accept all people.”

Yet…we also know it’s not totally true. There are always those that are hard for us to tolerate let alone accept. I offer you the following examples:

  1. A store clerk or your lawyer has three nose rings plus two in his eyelid, and purple hair, or she wears all black, has hair dyed dense black, a nail hanging around her neck and skull ear rings. What are your thoughts?
  2. Your minister is openly gay and holds hands with a same-sex partner. Do you react to that? How?
  3. You stop at a traffic light. A sort of well-dressed person holds out a paper cup. Do you drop in a toonie and offer a blessing?
  4. A person answers your phone call in broken English you cannot understand. Are you patient, caring? What do you say or think?

It is so much easier if other people sound, or act just like me. To be affirming is more than just tolerating. It is complete acceptance that this person in front of you who appears so different, is still God’s beloved child. This person who turns you off with the way they look or act, is capable of bringing God’s love to you.

Intentionality doesn’t come easily. It takes work. Complete acceptance is one way we can help bring peace on earth. When we let go of our judgment and truly love and accept one another, the world becomes a brighter place for all of us. I guarantee it.

As we step into 2024, I recommend you give it a try. Look beneath the surface of everyone you meet and experience the love of God that brought you together.  Live affirmation for everyone. Be God’s light of love in the world. Give peace a chance.

By Rev. Janet Stobie

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