Cell Tower Opponents Return with Petition

Critics of the proposed cell tower in Mount Pleasant returned to Council with an alternative location for the tower, one that was higher, drier and had a willing host.

Unfortunately the alternative site was not practical as it was too far from the existing infrastructure to allow for effective communication.  They also presented a petition signed by a significant number of local residents who oppose this particular installation.

Township staff anticipated the opposition to the site as soon as it was identified by the proponent this fall, and had the specific location moved further away from the wetland area, and requested an Arborist report to address the proposed tree removal required for the project.

To address some of the environmental concerns previously articulated by opponents of the project, the township conducted their own site examination with a recent hire, Matt Wilkinson, whose previous experience at ORCA provided him some expertise in this area.  Through an examination of the local micro topography and the underlying vegetation species at the site, he established a conservative assessment of the wetland boundary. It was determined that the site was well beyond the distance required from the wetland, leaving staff to conclude that the environmental impact of the tower can be mitigated to ensure that it will not be significantly affect the wetland.

Council provided concurrence for the project with a list of requests for consideration by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), which has the sole responsibility for the approval of telecommunications infrastructure.  These items include a sediment and erosion control plan, adherence to a mitigation plan prepared by an arborist, the use of flashing tower lighting to reduce the impact of the tower on migratory birds, and the adoption of recommendations in the Archaeological study.

In the end Council found no legitimate or effective tool available that would allow them to withhold concurrence for this tower, despite the sentiments of residents.  While visually challenging, the infrastructure will improve rural connectivity, support economic growth and enhance the quality of life for residents in the future. KG

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