COMMENT – July 2023

Over the past month, we’ve seen vivid reminders that we all share the air, as smoke from distant blazes covered skies with an eerie glow.  The air filled with a smell we would normally associate with cozy times spent with a book or around a campfire, but this time we were told to seek cover.  We share the air, and there’s nothing we can do to protect our little piece of it to keep us safe.  We are all vulnerable to the actions of others- including Mother Nature.

The same principle holds when it comes to water. Just because our area is blessed with an abundance of water doesn’t mean we can be casual about it.  Just like air, what happens to water in one place ripples throughout the water supply, affecting us all.

Population growth is coming, putting new demands on our resources.  A pre-servicing agreement signed this week moves the Towerhill North a few steps closer to creating another 718 residential units. Whether we see this as an opportunity or a threat does not change our obligation to do our part to protect our resources which includes finding ways to share them.  KG

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