The History of Bethany Illuminated in New Book

Photo Karen Graham.
Millbrook and Cavan Historical Society President Celia Hunter congratulates her Bethany counterpart at the launch of Kathy Morton’s second book about the history of the area. Sales have been brisk and the author has ordered a second printing.

“Reflections of Bethany” is the title Kathy Morton’s latest book which was launched at Bethany United Church on November 30th.   The author is recognized as the unofficial spokesperson and expert on the area.  In her role as the President of the Manvers Township Historical Society she has organized many events celebrating the past, including a celebration of local war brides and a community garden commemorating Bethany’s historical Jewish  connections.  She also operates a tea room in town which reflects a respect for the past in its décor and menu.

Our own local history expert Celia Hunter, who serves the community as President of Millbrook Cavan Historical Society, was on hand to congratulate Kathy on her successful endeavour.

Kathy’s book is notable for starting her historical review by going back to the very first inhabitants of Bethany rather than starting in the 18th century when the European settlers began to explore the area.  In her book, she provides an excellent insight into the lives of people who have lived and still live in Bethany and surrounding area as well as some background about the rich history of some of the buildings.

The book is a great read and is available by calling Aunt Laura’s Tea Room at 705-277-2751.

Local residents are waiting with baited breath to learn if Celia Hunter was inspired to also write a book about our local history, such as the logging history of Cavan.

By Andy Harjula

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