Maple Leaf Cavan Football Club Prepares for 2024

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Registration is now open for the Cavan soccer season.  Opening day is May 20th, and the 11 week season winds up the first week of August.  With more than 1200 players in the recreational league and another 400 in the competitive league, ML Cavan Football club is the largest soccer club in the area.

The recreational league has teams from U4 to adults.  With the exception of the U4 and adult teams, all teams are for males or females only.   An intermediate league they call the Future Stars program for players born between 2016 and 2021 offers a bit more competition than the house league teams without the commitment of the Competitive group.  This year the youth house league teams choose their field locations – Maple Leaf Park or Crestwood Secondary School- when they register and all games will be held at the same time and location every week, making scheduling simple for the parents and the club.

The competitive league is also growing, with registration expected to approach 400 this season.  It includes teams from U7 to U21 as well as a women’s team and men’s elite squad.  The club also operates a long-term development program to help players build skills to rise to the next level of competition.

The club is supported by an enthusiastic board of Directors that includes business owners, sales professionals, a school principal and others.  The club’s new President, Mike Vetzal is looking to continue MLCFC’s tradition of heading a well-run organization that encourages the having fun on the field while building new skills.

The club keeps registration fees low with the help of many sponsors who donate $250 and have their names printed on one of the teams’ shirts.  The club does a great job of promoting their sponsors on social media as well.

The club relies on volunteers to keep the programs running, and with 1600+ players, a lot of volunteer help is needed.  Whether it’s a few hours to help hand out new uniforms one evening in May, a weekly commitment to help on the field, an offer to help boost the club’s social media presence or schedule referees, there are plenty of ways to support the club. Anyone interested in pitching in can contact Mike at to talk about how they can work together.  Game on!  KG

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