Do you like spaghetti? Kawartha Pony club has you covered!

Do you like spaghetti? Would you enjoy a night off from cooking and cleaning?

Kawartha Pony club has you covered!

We invite you to join us at the IDA church on February 25th for our spaghetti dinner and raffle table fundraiser. 

Our members will serve you a delicious meal including spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert! We even have a takeout option available this year! Our raffle table will have something for everyone, we are amazed at the generosity and contributions thus far.  We suggest buying tickets in advance, to avoid missing out! Contact a member to prepurchase your tickets!

What is Pony Club? We are one of many branches within the Canadian Pony club – a non-for-profit organization supporting youth members ages 6-26 and adult horsemasters 26 and older who are interested in learning horsemanship skills and have riding opportunities in a safe and positive environment.  Our Motto is Loyalty, Character and Sportsmanship!

During the winter months we focus on educating the next generation of equestrians to be more than just riders! We gather monthly for meetings to earn badges, do crafts, and learn about specific topics helping each member work toward their individual goals!  In our peak season, we horse around!! We host clinics and overnight camps at a local farm Millbrook Equine Services. We welcome guests to come watch our members and horses in action!  Our members participate in various “horsey” activities aiming to achieve goals that we keep track of on our goal tree! Areas of focus include but are not limited to dressage, stadium jumping and cross country jumping. Members can choose to test pony club levels with written, stable management, and riding tests based on age and skillset with their horse.

You may have spotted us recently at the Millbrook Santa Claus parade with our ponies festively dressed! We look forward to showcasing our club at more community events in the future.  All our fundraising goes directly back to our club to help subsidize our calendar of events and activities for the year. We rely on volunteers/parents and community support to run our club at full potential for our members.  A huge thank you to Silver Creek Farms, The Pastry Peddler, Millbrook Home Hardware and Victory Garden supply for their support already in 2023! If you are an individual or business that would like to support us, please don’t hesitate to reach out! or 705 761-8578.  Thank you in advance for your consideration to support this amazing local club! Hope to see you for some spaghetti! YUM!

By Melissa Blakely-Simpson

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