The Challenges of Faith Today

As human beings we like to connect God with our peace and comfort. During the tough times, the times of grief, failure or illness, we call out to God, “Please help me. Please give me peace. I need comfort. I need your strength.” Sometimes we think of God as we stand entranced as flares of colour streak the sky at sunset, or we marvel at the intoxicating fragrance of a field of lavender. Certainly, such extravagance of beauty fits the divine like a comfortable old shoe.

Jesus brought us a picture of God as love. However, love is not always peaceful and comfortable. Jesus also talked about God’s love as challenge.. He said, “I come not just to bring peace but a sword.” He was crucified for several reasons. The Romans thought he was a rebel, a threat to their power. The priestly group at the temple knew his stories of love and healing were from their own tradition but would displace them and their power. They were sure his ideas of including everyone, even women and children, would upset the status quo.  Even some families were split over following Jesus or staying with the old, the familiar, the comfortable, what had been the right way for their entire lives.

Today the church needs a Jesus with new ideas, with solutions to society’s rejection of church as we have always known it. One person with the charisma and the wisdom to lead us into this new age of religion would be helpful. Instead, each of our denominations are struggling to find solutions. We are all faced with changing demographics, technology that has great power to influence and scientific knowledge that disdains mystery and the holy. Maybe this is the time to work together. We all have the same goal. We all want to teach people to love God and care for one another. Maybe this is the time that our differences need to be set aside.

In the meantime, as we step individually into summer, I encourage all of us to open ourselves to God’s presence. God is with us, you and me, whether we travel or stay home, enjoy family, or complete projects. God is always present. All we need do is open our eyes. It takes practice, as do most things that are valuable. Look for glimpses of God this summer when you’re on a boat ride or sitting in your back yard. String them together like beads. Look for the challenges. Try disturbing the peace occasionally. Challenge statements of bigotry or prejudice. Be concerned at the possible results of words, of your own and of others. Carry a banner. Join a protest. Take a risk to express your faith. Those will be the diamonds on your necklace. Those will be the experiences that help you grow. Those will be the experiences that will equip you to help find new expressions of faith, new ways to gather in God’s name.

By Rev. Janet Stobie

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