Anita Odessa’s Columns Published in New Book

Anita Odessa is a popular columnist at the Millbrook Times, where her humorous takes on life in the village illustrate her growing affection for life in the not-so-fast lane. This spring, Anita took advantage of the lockdown to organize her 70+ columns into a memoire which has just been published… Continue reading

The Good, the Bad and the Pastry

Several years ago, I found myself in a state of financial hardship.  Desperate times called for desperate measures and I resorted to an unexpected coping mechanism to endure the situation.  I didn’t turn to substance abuse, crime or reality television.  I became a serial baker. A good friend gave me… Continue reading

BABBLE – Are You Ready for a Throwdown?

I was volunteering at the school one day when I noticed a little boy looking dejected on the playground.  I asked how he was doing and he gave a sullen shrug, confiding that he had spent most of his recess “running away.” “Running away,” I repeated, horrified.  The boy went… Continue reading