Nexicom’s 125th Birthday Bash

Photo Karen Graham.

The Millbrook Lions’ Club accept a donation of $1,000 from Nexicom at the company’s BBQ lunch celebrating its 125th anniversary. Pictured is Millbrook Lions’ President Janet Kennedy and Nexicom’s Bill Sandiford as he presents the Lions with a cheque for $1000, while the Lions presented a thank you plaque to Nexicom for its ongoing support for one of the key events; the Annual Car Show. Nexicom provided a BBQ lunch served up by the Lions’ in their food truck, along with cake, served by Nexicom staff along with one of the firm’s previous owners, Paul Downs. The Millbrook Lions Club estimates that they served about 200 customers at the event, and confirm that every last bit of food they had on hand was consumed, making it easier to clean up the trailer for the season. Thanks for the hospitality and the generous community support!

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