Canadian Legion Hosts Youth Contests to Foster Remembrance

Photo Karen Graham. 1st Place poster by Kelaiah Guile in 2012-13 in Millbrook Legion.

The Legion National Foundation invites Canadian youth and children to honour Canada’s Veterans and foster the tradition of remembrance through visual art and writing through the annual National Youth Remembrance Contests.

In the poster contest, participants use their artistic ability to create a poster on the theme of remembrance with an emphasis on Canada. National winning entries are put on display at the Canadian War Museum for a year, with second and third place entries displayed in the foyer of the Parliament buildings during the Remembrance period. The contest is open to all elementary and secondary school students and must be submit- ted along with a registration form which is available at the legion or online. Physical posters are required: scans are not eligible. For more in- formation, visit

Those who prefer to demonstrate their writing skills can direct their energy to the Rabbi Bulka Literary contest, where participants prepare an es- say and/or poem on the theme of remembrance. This contest bears the name of Rabbi Rueven Bulka, who is known for his dedication to the men and women who served Cana- da, and was often referred to as ‘Canada’s Rabbi’. For years, he shared emotional and poignant words during Remembrance Day Ceremonies and worked to make an impact in the lives of Canadian veterans.

The contests include multiple levels of competition. Poster and literary works complete first at the local Legion Branch level, with winning entries moving forward until they reach the provincial level, with finalists proceeding to the final judging by the Legion National Foundation to determine the national winners. Cash prizes are awarded to all national level winners, and in addition, first Place Senior Winners are eligible for a very prestigious award – a trip to Ottawa and an opportunity to represent the youth of Canada at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony.

All submissions must be delivered to the Millbrook Legion located at 9 King St. East in Millbrook by November 15th. The office is open weekdays from 9 am until noon or call to arrange a drop off time at 705-932-2837. KG

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