Millbrook South Cavan School Pen Pal Initiative a Hit with Centennial Place Residents

In May, Millbrook South Cavan Grade two teacher Carolyn Rumble decided to bring some context to her letter-writing teaching unit, and asked her class to reach out to the school’s elder neighbours across the street.   Students embraced the task, writing letters that posed questions that were on their mind and provided some personal details that would help the students and residents get to know each other.  With the recipient space blank Life Enrichment Coordinator Hannah Peart coordinated the activity from the residents’ side, passing them out to interested residents at the long term care home, who responded to questions and posed some of their own.  The most probing question from the students was about age, to which residents responded with either frankness or evasiveness.  The recipient of Donald Howson’s reply would learn that he was 104 years old, a fact that its reader might not thoroughly appreciate.  Other questions focused on topics that are top of mind for seven and eight year olds, including favourite colours, pets and preferred activities.

In class, Ms. Rumble read the residents’ responses to her class, and some of the content was surprising.  One letter described a confrontation with strange dogs while cross-country skiing, but the event concluded with the victim’s dog responding by tearing the pants of the attackers’ owner.  Rather than being terrified, the students found the event’s conclusion quite satisfying!

On Tuesday, the correspondents met for the first time, sharing more letters and some snacks.

Given the reception this initiative received, both organizations agreed to continue the Pen Pal program next year, adding another opportunity for intergenerational interaction to develop, developing respect and appreciation on both sides of Tupper Street.   KG

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