Millbrook Figure Skating Club Says Goodbye to the Arena

Our local figure skating club delivered the final show in the Millbrook arena in early March in a program called “The Final Goodbye”.

The bittersweet theme did not seem to faze the participants.  The facility was buzzing with enthusiasm from participants and spectators, as the nervous and excited performers decked out in flouncy skirts, sparkly shirts, and plush velour costumes exhibited excitement and a bit of stage fright as they waited their turn to hit the ice.

The event included performances from participants at every level of proficiency, from Pre-Can Skaters to seasoned performers, each with a routine set to a song of farewell.  Whether the routines involved dramatic spins and lifts or just managing to remain upright as they made their way around the rink, all were inspiring.

The figure skating club provides their members an opportunity to develop much more than technical and athletic skills.  Experienced skaters who are so inclined also obtain valuable leadership skills as they help the younger members gain proficiency and confidence on the ice. From the Pre-Can Skaters to the Program Assistants, all projected a clear sentiment of unity, knowing they belonged.

The skaters’ attitudes on the completion of their programs ranged from exhilaration to relief.  As the event continued the noise level in the stands rose as the sugar buzz from bake sale treats and from the concession stand sales began to take effect.

In a final display of solidarity, the entire club hit the ice for a Green Day song called “Good Riddance”, a sentiment that was certainly not held by the skaters.  The event concluded with local awards, but it was clear that everyone on the ice felt they had achieved something special during their figure skating season and were happy to share their achievements with the community.

We look forward to the next show, and there are plenty of songs which support the next theme: welcome to the new community centre!


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