Millbrook EarlyON Child and Family Centre Continues to Fine Tune Programming

Photo Karen Graham.
Natalie from Camp Kawartha’s Environment Centre lets visitors get up close and personal with a stuffed owl in the play area behind the Millbrook EarlON Centre during the PA day event on January 31st.

Photo Karen Graham.
Natalie from Camp Kawartha’s Environment Centre lets visitors get up close and personal with a stuffed owl in the play area behind the Millbrook EarlON Centre during the PA day event on January 31st.

The Old Millbrook School Family Centre officially began in 2001, when it incorporated as a non-profit agency dedicated to the care, nurturing, and well-being of children.

With the support of new provincial funding, the organization underwent a major transformation in the spring of 2018, when it began operating as one of the provincial EarlyON Centres.  Funding is received by the Ministry of Education and distributed through the City of Peterborough. The organization continues to take a community-directed approach to providing accessible programs, services, and resources aimed at meeting the needs of local children and families.  It is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of parents, teachers and other local residents who take an active role in the Centre’s operations.

One of the most notable changes from the new funding is the extension of programs and services this has allowed.  Today the organization offers programing five days a week for audiences from newborns, toddlers and teens hosts workshops for parents featuring expert speakers on topics including self-regulation for children.

In their continued efforts to address the specific needs of the community, the organization is seeking input to better understand the offerings and attributes that families enjoy about the Child and Family Centre and where there is room for growth and improvement to formulate operational goals.

In their own review, organization members have identified several areas on which to concentrate.  First they will continue in their efforts towards embracing cultural diversity and inclusivity by ensuring all families feel represented in their programs and the materials utilized so the centre provides a welcoming, quality learning environment.  Staff seek to reduce barriers and increase opportunities for children and families to help them thrive.

With their passion for outdoor experiences and play, staff recognize the immense benefits of the outdoors to child development and will continue to offer outdoor play experiences.  They acknowledge the importance of passing along a love of the earth to children, believing these profound experiences in nature have a lasting impact.  Programming takes full advantage of the Family Centre’s setting.  Activities are regularly held in the park behind the school children on the playground equipment, the outdoor rink or in mud kitchen.  The community garden also provides a rich backdrop for outdoor education.

Staff at the Family Centre will continue to develop a deeper understanding of self-regulation in child behaviour, and sharing it with the community.  Building on the premise that there is no such thing as a bad child, they will continue to better understand the motivation behind challenging behaviour to develop more appropriate responses. KG


The Old Millbrook School EarlyON Child and Family Centre Educator Team appreciate questions and feedback to help them develop and deliver quality programs for children and families in our community.  They can be reached at 705-932-7088 or by email at


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