How Will We be Remembered?

A sure sign you’re getting older is when most conversations with friends begin with discussions about health.  But as our mortality creep into our thoughts, how much time do we think about the legacy we will inevitably leave behind?

Few of us are blessed with the intelligence, creativity, opportunity or perseverance to be remembered for a big accomplishment- a new idea, inspirational leadership in the environment, health sciences, the arts, business or academia.  Nor do we have the chance afforded Alfred Nobel to change his legacy from that of creating effective military weapons to one associated with peace and efforts to further human knowledge.  We do, however, have the ability to help build a better world.

The late Orville Thertell demonstrated that legacies are created in many ways, as evidenced by the hundreds of well-wishers who waited in line to pay their respects to his family last Saturday.  They came from all walks of life from the community and beyond, united by an appreciation for this extraordinary human being.   Many were wondering how the void he leaves will be filled.  Who were they going to call when they needed help?   Perhaps this could be the start of a new legacy…..KG

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