COMMENT – November 2020

How will we Manage a Winter of our Discontent?

As I write this snow is flying so Hallowe’en must be around the corner.  November can be a tough month, and this one could tougher than usual.

Many local groups like hockey, guides, community care and churches are finding ways to deliver their programs and services working within the current health regulations.  It usually involves fewer participants, and often incorporates outdoor activities.  Goalies dressing in the parking lot, science classes in the school yard, Girl Guide hikes on Medd’s Mountain.  Eventually most of us will be back inside.  How will we keep up our spirits?

Some will head back to the kitchen to extend their culinary skill, others will learn a new instrument, finish writing that book, or learn to knit, or take on-line fitness classes.   E-sports, or competitive video games, are gaining in popularity, even becoming part of organized clubs at university.

While we can’t hang out together as we once did, we can still support each other, and that contributes to mental well-being.  Our community is good at that: last week twenty volunteers showed up to harvest a potato crop when the farmer was incapacitated by an accident.  Let’s not wait for an emergency to show our compassion.  Take those cupcakes to the manor, call that senior spending her first winter alone, create a virtual book or poker club or provide an on-line concert for anyone who will listen.  Keeping in touch may be the best antidote to what could become a long, dark winter.  KG


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