VON Fitness Program Energizes Local Seniors

Photo Karen Graham.
Seniors relax after an invigorating session with VON volunteer, June, pictured in the centre of the back row. The next session begins January 17th in the St. John’s Anglican Church in Ida.

June is a volunteer who enjoys leading an active group of seniors in a weekly fitness class held in the church hall at St. John’s Ida Anglican Church on Thursday mornings.  Using minimal equipment such as therabands and weighted balls, she leads the group of twelve to eighteen participants as they work their way through an hour-long program set to soft, upbeat music.  While moving to Harry Belafonte music seems like fun for those involved, it is much more than that.  The class follows a well-designed program developed by the medical department at the University of Western Ontario, which includes segments of cardio, balance and strengthening movements as well as the requisite stretching to ensure participants leave the classes feeling more fit and limber than they did when they arrived.

The fitness program is one of many provided by the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON), which is Canada’s largest, national, charitable home and community care organization.  Through local VON branches, the 115 year old organization provides an extensive list of services, including more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services designed to enhance their clients’ quality of life and enabling them to live longer and more comfortably in their own homes.  VON boasts a staff of more than 5,000 supported by more than 9,000 volunteers most of whom come from the health care sector.  They include nurses, therapists and other health care providers supporting their clients, often in their own homes. Their objective is to promote health and wellness by creating conditions that allow people to become and stay healthy with outreach programs such as this fitness program.

The classes offered in Ida run on a 15 week schedule so the group will soon take a break for the Christmas season.  Seniors can consider making this class a part of their New Year’s resolutions.  The first session of 2019 begins on January 17th , when you can join this group to recharge your battery in the company of a supportive group of soon-to-be friends.   For a $2 fee per class, it’s a commitment you will feel good making.  KG

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