Patrick Benson Facing Fraud and Criminal Breach of Trust Charges

Further to a joint investigation between the Peterborough Police and the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO), Benson was arrested and faces fraud, criminal breach of trust and forgery charges stemming from his previous position as owner/operator of Benson Funeral Home in Millbrook. In June of 2017 the Peterborough Police Service’s… Continue reading

Building a Different Kind of Bank for the Future

  You might call it an occupational hazard, but these days everywhere she looks, Melissa Spearing sees seeds.  The obsession has been known to have her stop at the side of the road to take samples or photographs.  Her interests don’t stop at seeds, either.  She has even stopped at… Continue reading

County Invites Township to Merge Official Planning Activities

County Planning Staff members Bryan Weir and Iain Mudd made a presentation at the August 8th Council meeting at the invitation of Township staff to outline their invitation to merge their local Official Plan documents with the County Official Plan. As they explained, the current Official Plan includes two components:… Continue reading

Belize Project

Pictured is David Welch, who has assembled 49 pounds of school supplies for a Mayan student, named Alexander, living in Belize. Alex is studying to become an electrician and David has provided the electrical tools for Alex’s studies.  Bev Hilditch who has provided volunteer services in Belize  also contributed to… Continue reading

Marian & George Corfe Donation

Marian & George Corfe were busy handing out donations to local organizations from their earnings this year running the canteen in the Millbrook Arena. Each recipient received a cheque for $500 including Community Care Millbrook & Millbrook Food Share.  George & Marian are also very active volunteers within the community,… Continue reading

Road Closure Clarification

The second road closure in as many years on King Street is the cause of some traffic concerns which will persist at best case until mid-December.  The closure is necessary to allow the replacement of watermains, water lines, storm sewers, curbs, gutters and pavements to the area stretching from Cavan… Continue reading

Financial Pressures Forcing Municipalities to Assume Ownership of Local Cemeteries

It’s a trend across the country.  Cemeteries are facing financial pressure as costs of maintaining their property and the paperwork associated with these landmarks are growing as their revenues are in decline.  The growth in popularity of cremation over traditional burials is a major contributing factor to the shrinking income,… Continue reading

Council Establishes Noise By-Law

Cavan Monaghan has always operated without a noise by-law addressing noise-related complaints as they arose.  Last month, at the suggestion of Chief Building Official Kyle Phillips, the township adopted an official noise by-law to enable staff to address complaints that have been steadily increasing.  Some of them, including those related… Continue reading