The Return of the Millbrook Children’s Fishing Derby

After a five-year hiatus, the ever popular Millbrook Children’s Fishing Derby made a spectacular return last Saturday at the Millpond. Child registrations reached 274, most of them coming from within the township but a few came from as far away as Toronto.  It was definitely worth the trip! The event… Continue reading

Veteran and Emergency Personnel Support Program Launches in Millbrook

This month, the Millbrook Legion begins to host monthly meetings for a veterans support group called Operation VetBuild.  The organization is based on the UK initiative that was established to provide information, advice and guidance to support veterans of the armed forces to help them in their transition back to… Continue reading

Otonabee Conservation Releases First Climate Change Report Card

One year after publishing their Climate Change Strategy, Otonabee Conservation has released their first Climate Change Report Card summarizing their progress of implementing the Strategy in 2021. The Otonabee Conservation Climate Change Strategy includes four goals: Educate, Adapt, Mitigate, and Implement. Each goal identifies objectives and a series of specific… Continue reading

Another Party Hosted by Millbrook BIA

After the unprecedented success of the fall event, the Millbrook BIA will be hosting an event next month they are calling the Millbrook Kick Off to Summer. They will continue with the things that worked last time – which was virtually everything!  This event runs on Saturday, June 4th from… Continue reading

Growing School Population puts Pressure on Infrastructure at Millbrook South Cavan

Pictured are the six portables behind Millbrook South Cavan School that are required to accommodate a growing school body that now numbers 478 JK to Grade 6 students.  The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) has submitted an application to the Ministry of Education for a new school for… Continue reading

What are they thinking? – Comment – May 2022

This weekend we saw the community come together in several ways to celebrate the arrival of spring and the opportunity to join together for some fun.  Walking through the streets of the village this weekend, it was hard not to appreciate how lucky we are to live here.  Underneath this… Continue reading

Who are we now? More Census 2021 Results Released

Late last month, Stats Canada published another slice of information gleaned from the 2021 Census study.  This release outlined population changes by age and gender and housing changes in the community. In 2021, the enumerated population of Cavan-Monaghan, Township (CSD) was 10,016, which represents a change of 13.4% from 2016…. Continue reading