Growing School Population puts Pressure on Infrastructure at Millbrook South Cavan

Photo Karen Graham.

Pictured are the six portables behind Millbrook South Cavan School that are required to accommodate a growing school body that now numbers 478 JK to Grade 6 students. 

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) has submitted an application to the Ministry of Education for a new school for which a site has been allocated in the Towerhill North subdivision located to the west and north of the municipal offices and the Cavan-Monaghan Community Centre.  They have not yet learned if their application will be successful. Despite media reports, the board is NOT contemplating another addition to the school.  The site of the existing school could not accommodate more parking and bus and car traffic.  According to our local School Board Trustee and Vice Chair Angela Lloyd, enrollment pressures at this school are expected to continue.  While the board is confident a new school will eventually be approved, its arrival is likely several academic years away.  In the meantime, they are considering the addition of three more portables to cope with the increasing numbers. KG

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