Summer Begins at the CMLibraries

Summertime is almost upon us! As the weather starts to get warmer, the prospect of summer fun gets more and more exciting! We have a variety of activities coming up in June, including the Kickoff to Summer in downtown Millbrook. Stop by and visit the library booth to participate in our Community Art Project which will be hung up in the library once completed! Also coming up in June, join us at the Millbrook Branch on Friday, June 9th (a PA Day) at 11:00am for a Dinosaur Talk! Tim Jeffries will be moving to Alberta, so this will be his farewell visit.

Something that we’re starting in June is our Crafting Corner with Courtney (at the Bruce Johnston Branch)! For the month of June, we will be creating junk journals, which are made from upcycled materials such as paper scraps, book pages, sheet music, maps, and anything else that you can think of. The process of upcycling involves creatively repurposing discarded objects or materials into something new. All ages welcome. Stay tuned to find out what we will be making in July!

Stop by our Millbrook Branch to see the additions we’ve made to our Library of Things! We now have rollerblades and roller-skates, which can be used at the CMCC this year. Check out their website to find out more information on when you can go.

We are continuing to have our Children’s Storytime on Tuesdays at the Bruce Johnston Branch and Fridays in Millbrook. For June and July, we will be focusing on summer and being up and active. We will be working on fine motor skills with our movements and social skills with the inclusion of games and activities. Our Sensory Bins at the Millbrook Branch on Wednesdays are focusing on summertime and outside activities.

We’re continuing to have a great turnout for Adult Storytime at the Bruce Johnston Branch! Our numbers range anywhere from 11 people all the way up to 24. If you’re looking for a smaller group environment, stop by the Millbrook Branch instead, which is on Wednesdays at 1:00pm. Also on Wednesdays at the Millbrook Branch is our Coffee and Conversation. Stop by on June 14th to have a discussion with members of the Millbrook and Cavan Historical Society. They will be discussing the materials and resources that they have available, and they will do their best to answer any questions that you may have about the area.

Our Community Threads and Cookbook Book Club will continue to run throughout the summer. Stop by the Bruce Johnston Branch on Saturday, June 17th to work on a crafty project with like-minded people at 11:00am, and to see a demonstration on how to make fondant at 1:30pm. Our Knotty Knitters (after hours) will continue to run on Tuesday, June 27th, but will take a break in the summer if we don’t have many people attend in June. If you’re interested in joining a crafty group, now is the time!

For more information regarding our upcoming programs, check out our newsletter! If you have any suggestions about the summer programming that you would like to see this year at your library, please let library staff know today or email Courtney at

By Courtney Spence

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