We’re a free community newspaper published once monthly. Pick up your free copy locally or subscribe here for Canada Post delivery! We are always available by phone, mail or email to receive your information. Thank you!
To allow time for proofing, approvals and layout, please submit as early as possible. Extensions until the following morning are possible, if required, provided ad size is confirmed in advance.
Please submit content for the paper- ads and stories- no later than noon on the dates indicated below. We appreciate receiving your content as early as possible to give us time for proofing approvals and layout. Our files are delivered to the printer the following Tuesday afternoon which allows us to have the papers in our readers’ mailboxes by Thursday.
Jan.–Friday, December 29th
Feb. –Monday, January 29th
Mar.–Monday, February 26th
Apr.–Monday, April 1st
May–Monday, April 29th
June–Monday, May 27th
July–Monday, June 24th
August–Monday, July 29th
Sept.–Monday, August 26th
Oct.–Monday, September 30th
Nov.–Monday, October 28th
Dec.–Monday, November 25th