Millbrook South Cavan Public School Seeks Community Volunteers for Positive School Climate Committee

Millbrook South Cavan Public School (MSC) is calling on local residents to join its Positive School Climate committee. This initiative aims to foster a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all students, staff, and families. The school is particularly interested in volunteers who are retired or currently active in the… Continue reading

KPRDSB Requests School Funding for a new Elementary School in Millbrook

Last week, the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) submitted their capital budgeting priorities to the Ministry of Education (MOE) for the upcoming budget year. The submission included detailed project proposals for funding to address current accommodation needs.  Among the priorities were funding requests to build new schools in… Continue reading

Harvest Table Dinner Draws a Crowd

Friday the 13th was no concern for organizers of the Township of Cavan Monaghan’s Harvest Table Dinner, which celebrated the community’s strong agricultural background as the season harvest was in full swing. The event was organized by Township staff from all departments and was designed to bring the community together… Continue reading

Comment – November 2024

At what point did name-calling and insulting become attractive activities in our leaders?  I remember when they sought to inspire: think Martin Luther King’s “I had a dream…” or JFK’s “Think not what your country can do for you…”  These days we are more likely to hear  condescending quips from… Continue reading

KPRDSB Comes to Millbrook to Hear the Community Concerns

On October 10th, the KPRDSB hosted another Accommodation Planning meeting, this time at Millbrook South Cavan Public School. It was intended to operate in an Open House style like the original one held at Kenner in April.  Two rooms were staffed with approximately 24 board representatives equipped to answer questions… Continue reading

Meet Your Match Historical Society Volunteers

Lois Tuffin of Volunteer Peterborough brought her volunteer recruitment program called “Meet Your Match” to the CMCC last week. Representatives from a dozen local organizations were on hand to find some new helpers, including Millbrook Community Care, Cavan Monaghan Libraries, the 4th Line Theatre as well as Peterborough-based organizations such… Continue reading

Cavan Monaghan Receives Second Quarter OLG Payment

In October, Cavan Monaghan received a payment of $85,055 representing the second quarter gaming revenue (July 1st to September 30th) for hosting Shorelines Slots at Kawartha Downs. This brings OLG’s total contribution to the municipality since the gaming site opened in November 1999 to $61,871,119. The City of Peterborough received… Continue reading