Boundary Adjustment with Peterborough Dead Issue

It seems the extended stand-off between Cavan-Monaghan and the City of Peterborough over a possible boundary adjustment at the northwest edge of the township has been shut down by the city’s own staff.

The most recent draft of Peterborough’s new Official Plan outlines how the city expect to grow for the next 30 years.  Township staff has reviewed the document to understand the implication decisions regarding land use designations on lands that abut the township which could affect Cavan-Monaghan’s own policies and designations.  The draft plan indicates a projected population growth of 42,000 residents and 18,000 jobs by 2051, resulting in a total population of 125,000 and 63,000 jobs in the City of Peterborough.  The Land Needs and Excess Land Review that forms part of this document indicates that the City of Peterborough has enough land to accommodate this projected growth, and in fact has 190 hectares of excess land above and beyond their requirements.

This has prompted township staff to request written confirmation from the City that there is no need to continue any boundary adjustment discussions.  Just to be sure.  KG

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