Pedal for Hope Brings Record Donations

Pedal for Hope riders swoop into Millbrook South Cavan School

Pedal for Hope riders swoop into Millbrook South Cavan School

The Cops for Cancer events arrived at the local schools on May 13th, bringing their usual combination of entertainment laced with education to North Cavan and Millbrook South Cavan public schools. With a movie theme, bright lights, costumes and skits, students participated in the event with enthusiasm. At the main event, the haircuts, enthusiasm got the better of one young student in the audience who stepped onto the stage and had his head shaved without having provided parental authorization, which was luckily secured after the fact. At Millbrook South Cavan School, eight children had pony tails cut and 25 students had their head shaved for the event, and with all of the supporting events the school raised $11,347.20 in support of pediatric cancer research.

North Cavan School had a record year for this cause. With a student population of only 154, this school raised $5,779, almost $4000 more than the previous year. Much of this success was attributed to two sisters, Emery and Amelia Merrell-McBride, aka the M+M sisters, who raised $2019.84 of that total through a year-long series of fundraising activities including bottle drives and craft sales. In appreciation, they received iPads donated by

a local dentist, Dr. Lo, and Pet Supply Warehouse. Congratulations to all involved. KG

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