Get Out! – September 2020

It’s unmistakable! The heavier dews, the flowers now in bloom, the angle of the sun and the shortening days are all telling us that summer is coming to an end. Last month’s excellent column by Dennis Vanderspek dealt with heavenly things, this month’s brings us down to earth again. My… Continue reading

Gardening in the Time of Comets

Regular readers of these pages will know that “Get Out!” is both the title of this column and its frequent theme. This month, however, we are going far out indeed—as far as the comet that graced North American skies throughout much of July. In case you missed it, comet NEOWISE… Continue reading

From Winter to Summer!

The following article originally ran in 2013. Other matters have been keeping me occupied so I’m hoping you won’t mind a second helping of this column. COVID-19 was certainly not on our radar back in those palmy days. Stay well! Of course we were all longing for the spring-that-didn’t-seem-to-want-to-get-started to… Continue reading