Things to see…

This column is short and it’s a cheat. What with the weather being so hot and dry I haven’t felt much like traipsing around. And on my usual morning walk I have seen little that would interest most people. Also I’ve been worried that the column lately has focussed too much on birds and I’m sure that doesn’t interest everyone. So instead of my usual reporting, here are a few things to keep your eyes open for in the coming month.

Despite the heat and dryness, or maybe because of it, the fields are decorated with wildflowers (cynics call them weeds!) that are in bloom or ready to come into bloom. Have you ever seen such a year for Queen Anne’s Lace?! Roadsides are bright with its white umbels. As well, the roadsides and fields will soon be colourful with the pink of Joe-Pye Weed and the yellow of various varieties of goldenrod. The pollinators will be having a field-day!

Also in the category of exceptional bloom this year, look around for Trumpet Vine. If you see a vine on your neighbour’s property that is festooned with orangey-red trumpet-shaped blooms you are looking at Trumpet Vine. I’ve never seen them so covered in blossom! The hummingbirds and bees are very happy because of the vine that grows over my side-gate.

Beside the millpond near the mill there is an area of ground blocked by a wood fence. Because of the fencing this ground now is “protected” from the municipal lawnmowers. Milkweed and various thistles have proliferated. The air has been sweet with the fragrance from the milkweed flowers. And the goldfinches are happy visiting this patch of thistles for both the fluff for their nests and the seeds for food.

Stay cool. Do a rain dance. But there are still things to see, so get out! And enjoy!

By Glen Spurrell

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