Valentine’s Day

This week before the stricter lockdown began, I managed to buy some birthday cards for our grandkids with January birthdays. When I stepped up to the card rack, the first cards I saw were Valentine’s. So, of course, I picked out one for Tom. Buying cards always takes me a while. There is so much choice. At times I would really like to buy a funny card, but too often the ones classed as funny are putdowns. The last thing I want to send to my loved ones is a “put down”.

I like sending cards. I know I love receiving mail. Even though most often all I find waiting in my mailbox are flyers and advertisements, Tom or I trudge across the street with our key ready, always filled with hope. I think this year for Valentine’s Day, I will send valentines in the regular snail mail, to all my grown up grandchildren and of course to great grandson Riley. Maybe I’ll include my single friends who are stuck at home because of Covid 19. I bet they would like mail too.

Valentine’s Day is a time of speaking words of love and friendship. Something we need to do all year. This year, as we continue to endure Covid 19 lockdown, I’m suggesting for you and for myself, that we send good old snail mail to as many people as possible. We can make cards, or write notes not just on Valentine’s Day but throughout the lockdown.

So often we think serving God requires something big. Expressing love is embarrassing, or needs expensive gifts or dinner out. Maybe this is our year to return to an ancient tradition of using our talent and our own words, even though it takes time. After all, some of us have more time than we need. Some of us are itching to go shopping, or visit or see a show. Maybe this lockdown will be easier if we return to simple things like mailing a note. Picture the surprise on your loved one’s face. Maybe your card will be put in the place of honour on the fridge.

Try it.  Surprise yourself and a friend.  Remember, you may even have fun.

Today’s Faith by Rev. Janet Stobie

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