Update #2 Nexicom Fibre Overbuild in Millbrook

Photo Karen Graham.
This network interface device is the gateway for fibre optics into your home.

Phase 1 of Nexicom’s fibre overbuild in the village of Millbrook was completed last month.

This phase involves the construction of the “backbone” of their main transportation route throughout the village, which required locating all applicable hydro electrical and gas lines currently underground and tunneling for the fibre optic cable network, which will be buried roughly 8 – 12 inches below ground. Tunneling has also commenced in the surrounding rural roads around the outskirts of the village

Phase 2, called the “home drop”, is also 90% complete.  This consists of the physical connection of new Fibre optic cable from the backbone network on the road to newly installed Network Interface Device (NID) that is attached to the exterior of each home in the Fibre installation area.  This NID is a 4” x 4’”grey box affixed to the entry point on each home.

Once Phase 2 is complete, Phase 3 involving the splicing of all of the Fibre lines to one another to join the entire backbone network will begin, followed by line testing.

When clear signals are confirmed on all lines, customers will be contacted to begin the connection of the service inside their homes, ultimately allowing the switch from DSL to Fibre connection.   The projected completion of the implementation of full Fibre service within the village of Millbrook is fall 2021, with completion for the surrounding rural areas of Millbrook anticipated to occur in spring 2022. Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus and the government’s policies regarding social distancing, these completion dates may be subject to change.

Nexicom will continue to keep customers apprised of the project status through articles in this paper as well as update notifications on their website and social media.  A map and complete list of every address that will qualify to potentially receive Nexicom’s new Fibre optic services is available on their website allows customers to determine whether their home falls within the new Fibre overbuild catchment area,

Given the magnitude and complexity of this project, the company appreciates the continued patience of the community as they complete this installation. KG

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