The Opening

In my garden, buds swell fatter and fatter.

The process is slow, requires patience. Finally, the opening. A majestic splash of colour greets me. The flower’s exquisite beauty sparkles with the morning dew.

We’ve had a long Covid journey. Our re-opening is also a slow process. When we entered phase two, I felt as if a flower had opened. We gathered as a family outside for Canada Day. And God gave us a beautiful day. We laughed. We swam. We celebrated our granddaughter’s thirty-first birthday. We shared a meal with fully vaccinated friends. Our spirits intertwined in friendship. Yes, we’ve experienced the opening of some flowers. Of course, the waiting is not over, but now we wait with hope.

During lockdown, I have written several reflections on waiting reminding myself and you to focus on using our times of waiting to spread goodness and joy. I’ve offered suggestions. Pray while you stand in line. Lift up in prayer, your loved ones, the hungry, the front line workers. Use your waiting time for more than complaining.

Poet Silvia Fiorita Smith suggests “Let us create a sacred space in our waiting. Fill it with hope and peace.” Today I add gratitude to my “sacred waiting space”. Gratitude flows from me like the deluge of rain that poured onto us in the strawberry patch. My soul is soaked with gratitude. Over the past year, Tom and I have more than survived, we have lived and learned and been overwhelmed with joy. Sure, we’ve complained at times, chafed at the restrictions. But our blessedness has carried us to new life.

Gratitude is a big word but not nearly big enough to encompass the sacredness of these days of waiting. Today, I can only give thanks for our beautiful world and a heart that can see and receive its beauty.

Yes we’ve more waiting ahead. Waiting to travel, waiting to celebrate in large groups at weddings, waiting for live theatre and movies and so much more. As I settle into the sacredness of hope and peace and gratitude, I know and trust that in the end, all will be well. God’s exquisite flowers will bloom.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and 
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

Today’s Faith by Rev Janet Stobie

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