Thank you From Millbrook Foodshare

Millbrook and District Foodshare would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of the community for your extreme kindness with donating food, stockings, monetary donations this year! We are overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness! Our food Hampers were overflowing with food! Our stockings were another amazing hit! Many thanks goes to you the community and individuals who helped make this all happen!  Stacey Knight (Blank Canvas Hair and Art Studio) and I had our Stockings project for The Children of Foodshare . Stacy and I jointly had a very successful 3rd Annual Fill a Stocking event! Many thanks to Brenda Ballantyne and John Ballantyne for their assistance as well!

In addition to the Community we had Millbrook Valley Chocolates (The Mitchels) donate chocolate treats for all stockings! Project Linus donated all the lovely quilts to go along with Stockings!  Mount Pleasant Women’s Institute donated mitts from their Mitten Tree and Hats and Scarves as well!

Lynda Davidson also made and had volunteers making mittens and socks! Cathy McIntyre and Michelle Patton Horner for overseeing The Millbrook Girl Guides helping to fill hampers

Our Hampers were made up of many donations! Many thanks to Community Donations of food

Millbrook Girl Guides (who helped fill up Hampers), Moore Orchards, Johnsons Farm Market,

Millbrook Merchantile, Millbrook Hockey U13 Millbrook Stars Rep Team, North Cavan Public School.

We would also like to acknowledge generous monetary Community Donations from the Millbrook BIA, the Millbrook Agricultural Society, Centennial Place, Millbrook Manor,

Millbrook-Cavan Firefighters Association, St Thomas More Catholic Church, Centreville Church, Millbrook Legion ,Millbrook Lions, Millbrook-Cavan United Church, Bailieboro and Springville United Church, St. John’s Ida Anglican Church, Package Plus and Dawson Tree Farm.

Many of our local businesses and many individuals also provided much needed donations and support!

Also thank you to our local Foodland. Josh and his team are very big supporters of ours and make a weekly donation of protein and baked goods.

We thank you all so much and wish you all a Happy New Year!

By Lori Lazaros

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