Baxter Creek Watershed Alliance – A Community Invitation!

Early settlers called the township known now as Cavan-Monaghan, “this green and pleasant land.”  Since that time, an ever increasing number of people have discovered the charms of this special place.  Newcomers and long-time residents alike have expressed keen interest in protecting and enhancing the natural heritage of this municipality…. Continue reading

The Community Mourns the Loss of Cathy Moore – A Popular Public Servant

Just before Christmas, the community lost a strong advocate with the passing of Cavan Councillor Cathy Moore. Three years into a four-year term, Cathy was an enthusiastic supporter of the community she loved.  The feeling was mutual. Since her arrival in Cavan more than fifty years ago, Cathy was active… Continue reading

No Mobile Bank for Millbrook

Late last summer, Kawartha Credit Union (KCU) brought in their Mobile Branch to the village to introduce residents to this innovative facility.  Parked beside the old arena near Needler’s Mill, the unit incorporated two private offices and a full-service ATM, allowing customers to perform the vast majority of banking services,… Continue reading

Planning Issues Top of Mind as Official Plan Deadline Approaches

We are in a period where planning issues and decisions are beginning to dominate legislative agendas.  All cities, counties and municipalities in Ontario must file new Official Plans by June 30th of this year. Last October, Peterborough County Council received a growth analysis outlining projections of growth across the County… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor – January 2022

And the number is ——- December 9th was the first CM Township Council public viewing of what you will likely be told to ‘dig into your wallet’ to pay for your lower tier government this year and what those ‘dollars’ will be spent on.  The other 3 levels of government… Continue reading

Happy New Year from the CMLibraries!

Whether you are young or old, a New Year and a new book go hand in hand. In these uncertain times the CMLibraries is working to provide reading and entertainment materials to all our patrons in a safe and supportive way. While we wait for further direction from our public… Continue reading

Tough Decisions Ahead for Budget 2022

In the initial draft budget introduced on December 9th indicates a 2.5% increase in the municipal tax levy would be required to meet the operating needs and capital investment requests from all departments. Upon further examination, Council soon understood that given the volume of unknowns on the capital side of… Continue reading

New Massage Clinic Opens in Bailieboro

Christa Packman moved to the Bailieboro area in search of a quieter life.  A small town girl at heart, Christa grew up in Brooklin when the main attraction was a pizza place and a convenience store, but after training she set up shop in Durham and has provided an extensive… Continue reading