Power to the People: Mount Pleasant Residents Get 4-Way Stop

A delegation of residents attended the Peterborough County Council last month to make their case for the installation of a 4-way stop sign at the intersection of County Rd. 10 and County Rd. 9, also known as Mount Pleasant Rd.  Mount Pleasant Women’s Institute member JoEllen Brydon made an impassioned plea supported by a petition signed by an overwhelming number of local residents.   A Road Safety Audit conducted by the County earlier this year had determined that a four-way stop isn’t warranted.  The study examined vehicular traffic, but not pedestrian traffic.

Residents are concerned about persistent speeding in the village, particularly along County Rd. 10.  Because traffic must stop at County Rd. 9., speeding on that road is less of an issue.   Brydon described cars speeding north to the intersection and making the right hand turn to head east on two wheels.

Another other issue affecting safety of that intersection is the visibility to the north.  Whether on foot or in a car, it is impossible to see around the corner and over the hill from the west side of the intersection, where an oncoming car, often speeding, appears.  The situation has caused many dangerous situations including collisions and close calls with pedestrian traffic.  Access to the village hall, the location of community events, and as there is no parking lot, requires parking on County Rd. 10 and often crossing it on foot.

Mayor Scott McFadden supported the residents’ request after spending time observing activity in the intersection.  He noted that pedestrians typically have no more than 3.5 seconds to dash across the road, which is just not enough.

Brydon explained that as a 35 year resident of the area, she has seen a significant increase in pedestrian traffic in the area, a trend that will continue with the completion of the new residential development just east of the intersection.  She asked Council to make Mount Pleasant a safer community for all residents to walk to the school bus, to their community hall, to visit friends or go to the local convenience.   Council agreed.  Well done, JoEllen!  KG

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