Open Your Eyes This Christmas. You Will See God.

Our Christian Christmas story tells us that God came into the world to live among us as a human being named Jesus. Jesus came first as a newborn baby, vulnerable, fragile needing our care. His parents, had come to a strange town called Bethlehem. The inn was full, leaving them homeless. They took shelter in a stable and Jesus was born. We believe that God still resides among us, born within each one of us.

As Christians the best part of our Christmas celebrations is opening our eyes to the presence of God among us. Who will bring God into our Christmas this year?

As I look forward to our family gathering, my recognition of God’s presence will begin as we step into my son’s home, our hearts overflowing with gratitude that we can get together. God is always easily recognized in our Vanessa. Our beautiful, special needs granddaughter, our angel, who brings out the best in each one of us with her vulnerability and her smile. Even though her mind cannot comprehend the rules, her cousins will include her in our family games because they love her. Of course, the delight of 20 month old, great grandson Riley, and our love for him will remind us of God’s unconditional love. What wonderful excitement a baby brings to every occasion.

For sure, God will be present as we think about Dave, who easily tells us he’s not a Christian. Even though he and Joanne and Jenna are not with us, God will remind us of their pain with our society that can treat animals as inanimate products to be exploited. Of course, we know that God is a part of their  commitment to animal rescue, and their commitment to the needy in all the countries in which they have lived.

God’s Spirit winds itself in and through our blended family. We will be greeted by Jesus on Skype, when Tom’s daughter calls from B.C. and we see and hear our two youngest grandchildren. Their innocence and laughter will bring us the Christ child.

And God doesn’t wait for our family gathering, Jesus is already born in the beggar I’ve come to know who stands at the corner of Water and Parkhill Streets here in Peterborough. With each clerk who gives me a smile and a Merry Christmas at the grocery store, I see God’s presence. In my friends, my sister’s and brothers – in -law, my neighbours, yes, Jesus will be born all around me this year as he is every year, if only I make room for him.

I suggest you look for Jesus in your preparations and experience of Christmas this year. God will be present whether you believe or not. In the sparkling eyes and the glistening tears around you, God will be there. I guarantee it. Watch, and listen and give thanks.

Today’s Faith by Rev. Janet Stobie

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